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I really do not want to do half of the things I'm "supposed" to do these days. I really don't like running or keeping fit or being the best me. Actually i couldn't be arsed. What I do want to do is make pretty things and sell them.

As you get older I think the layers of what you "should do" peel away and you're left with two main categories of action: 1) what I have to do to stay alive and 2) what I want to do today. I look forward to this really, but not the aging part.

I'm struck also by how often people rever those who "live like it's your last day on earth. Well that's fine.. but if it's not, the groceries still need buying and the grass mowed. I don't imagine people are going to hang around me long if I don't shower and spend every day in my ratty old pyjamas.

I think showers and groceries go into the what I have to do to stay alive and fuction in the world section. It's sorting out the what I want to do today from the should do today that's the trick. I'm workign on it. Send me your tips.

My new mantra now is e-mc2 (with apologies to Einstein of course]. Energy = maturity x could not care less squared. My new life algorthim.

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